
As a small business owner, I can't express enough how much these insights transformed our operations. The product recommendation optimization alone led to a significant boost in sales, and the streamlined marketing strategies have not only saved us time but also increased customer loyalty. We're more data-driven than ever, thanks to this service. It's been a game-changer!
Charlie Evans
Small Business Owner
CB Data Solutions went above and beyond to understand my new business and identify its trends. Their detailed and precise analysis benefitted growth and profitability. I recommend working with them if you really wanted to understand your business well!
Hani Alijabi
Business Owner - Levant Cafe
Thanks a ton for your hard work and the invaluable insights you've brought to the table. To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect when we kicked off this partnership, but I must say, I'm pleasantly surprised by the depth of information you've provided. It's been eye-opening to dive into our data and see how it aligns our business trends and the relationships between different pet products and services. Particularly, your insights on our grooming services have been incredibly valuable to me, especially in understanding which services tend to go hand in hand. I'm eager to loop the owner in on all of this. because she is more hands off with analyzing the daily, weekly, and monthly trends of our customers' buying habits. So having these reports to show her is going to be a game-changer. These reports are a tangible way of viewing these trends, and giving us the ability to react and pivot to help support our new store, in a new city, with a new customer base.
Adam Maxon
Operations Manager
Incorporating these techniques boosted our sales significantly. It's a game-changer for small businesses like ours. Highly recommended!
Ava Thomas
Small Business Owner